JUFA Hotel


Winding down in Weinviertel

The beautiful landscape in the gentle vineyard-covered hills of northern Lower Austria is home to the JUFA Hotel Weinviertel***s. Here are our top leisure tips for spending your winter vacation with the whole family in the region.

Entdeckt die weltweit größte freigelegte Amethystader und eine der schönsten Sammlungen von seltenen Mineralien und Edelsteinen.

The Amethyst World in Maissau

Discover the world's largest exposed amethyst vein and one of the most beautiful collections of rare minerals and gemstones.

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Mann beim Kunsthandwerk in der Perlmuttdrechslerei Felling im Waldviertel. JUFA Hotels bieten erholsamen Familienurlaub und einen unvergesslichen Winter- und Wanderurlaub.

Mother-of-Pearl Turning Workshop

Austria's only mother-of-pearl manufactory offers insights into a special craftsmanship – and has been doing so for over 100 years.

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Falkenhof am Heldenberg im Weinviertel


Heldenberg is not only a meeting point for vintage car enthusiasts and a training center for the Spanish Riding School, but also a habitat for birds of prey ready for air shows.

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Weinviertel wine cellar lanes

The Weinviertel cellar culture – from wine tastings to “Köllajause” – has been practiced for centuries. Since 2022, it is also on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. You can experience it best with a guided tour through the cellar lanes by a certified cellar lane guide.

Fossil world Weinviertel

In addition to the world’s largest fossil oyster reef, you can experience an expedition through the history of the vanished sea at the Fossil World Weinviertel. Scientists have reconstructed what it looked like 17 million years ago from fossil remains.

Ihr seht ein Paar beim Entdecken des Retzer Erlebniskellers im Weinviertel

Retz adventure cellar

The famous Retz Adventure Cellar is a unique, centuries-old structure, a fantastic labyrinth of tunnels and galleries with a total length of 20 kilometers.

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Znaim in Tschechien im Sommer in der Nähe vom JUFA Weinviertel - Hotel in der Eselsmühle. Der Ort für erholsamen Familienurlaub und einen unvergesslichen Winter- und Wanderurlaub.

Znojmo – the pearl of South Moravia

Visit the beautiful historic town of Znojmo in the Czech Republic, just 30 minutes by car from the JUFA Hotel Weinviertel***s.

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Frau badet in der Therme Laa. JUFA Hotels bietet kinderfreundlichen und erlebnisreichen Urlaub für die ganze Familie.

Thermal bath Laa

At Therme Laa, relax in style at the spacious 2600m² wellness spa. Here, you'll find a pool with lounging areas both indoors and outdoors, and much more!

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Wildpark Ernstbrunn

Observing animals in the midst of the Weinviertel oak forests and experiencing wolf research up close. From wolves and wild and domestic pigs to sheep and mouflon, the Wildpark Ernstbrunn offers excitement and relaxation for the whole family!






















