JUFA Familienresort Kempten


JUFA Familienresort Kempten***s

Family vacation in the Allgäu region: swimming & hiking


The Romans had already set up their tents and later, even their roots in Germany’s oldest city! Kempten in the Allgäu, in Germany´s south, is regarded as the royal class among the dream destinations for family holidaymakers and weekend wellness tourists. The JUFA Familienresort Kempten***s is the Family-Resort that provides for a first-class comfortable stay!

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  • 59 rooms with SH/WC/TV/Safe
  • CamboMare included
  • Atrium-Café
  • E-Service station (fee required)
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Playground
  • E-bike rental from 35€/day
  • Disabled access/obstacle-free
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Stadtbadstraße 587439 KemptenGermany

+49 831 5238 4080[email protected]

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Bubble. Rein in den Urlaub.

The most beautiful destinations

Enjoy your summer vacation to the fullest and explore
our best excursion and leisure activities around
Kempten in the Allgäu.