JUFA Hotel


JUFA Hotel Jülich***s


The family-friendly JUFA Hotel is located directly in the Brückenkopf Park Jülich, where adventure is not long in coming. For young and old nature discoverers, it starts right outside the front door, in the garden of the JUFA Hotel: canoe rental, beach volleyball court, climbing tower, water play areas and a zoo provide a varied offer.

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  • 45 rooms with SH/WC/TV/Safe
  • 480 m² indoor playground
  • Spa area
  • E-charging station
  • Free Wi-fi
  • Café & sun terrace
  • Parking on-site free of charge
  • E-Bike-/Bike- & canoe rental service
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Rurauenstraße 1352428 JülichGermany

+49 2461 9966 670[email protected]

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Bubble. Rein in den Urlaub.

Free admission to the Brückenkopf Park

All our hotel guests receive free entry to the Brückenkopf Park (except for events) and can splash, play and climb to their heart’s content. Adventure fun is guaranteed for everyone!

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enjoy your summer holiday in the beautiful Jülich.