JUFA Hotel


Nature adventures in Waldviertel

The JUFA Hotel Waldviertel***s offers nature lovers everything they could dream of: Austria’s most extensive network of hiking and cycling trails, idyllic swimming opportunities, green meadows nestled in gentle hills, and much more.

Ihr seht ein Bild vom Nationalpark Thayatal im Waldviertel

Nationalpark Thayatal

The vast network of trails in Thayatal transports hikers into a world of tranquil rivers, steep cliffs, and deep forests.

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Kanutour zur Teambuilding mit Gruppe auf Fluss

Kanu adventures

Paddle through the stunning Thayatal with a canoe and experience nature from an entirely new perspective, navigating rapids and dams.

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Ihr seht zwei Kinder die ein Lama im Streichelzoo streicheln

Llama Trekking

Llamas are woolly and friendly companions, making a hike through the beautiful Thaya Valley a special experience.

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Thayatal Vitalbad

The Thayatal Vitalbad is a family indoor pool that has a lot to offer. Sports and wellness pools, an action slide, and relaxation areas fulfill the dream of relaxation, as well as herbal sauna and aromatic steam bath. Guests of the JUFA Hotel Waldviertel***s receive free admission!

Educational experiences

Ihr seht eine Ansicht der Burg Raabs im Waldviertel. JUFA Hotels bieten erholsamen Familienurlaub und einen unvergesslichen Winter- und Wanderurlaub

Raabs Castle

The Raabs an der Thaya Castle is one of the oldest stone castles built in the area of present-day Austria.

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Ihr seht den Weg zum Eingang der Ruine Kollmitz in Raabs an der Thaya. JUFA Hotels bietet Ihnen den Ort für erlebnisreichen Natururlaub für die ganze Familie.

Ruins of Kollmitz

The ruins of Kollmitz Castle have been under various dominions and suffered a fire in 1703. Today, it appears merged with the rock and serves as a popular destination for explorers and families.

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Ihr seht eine Familie in der Sonnenwelt Waldviertel

Sonnenwelt experience

Experience the history of energy on an exciting 2,000m² course. Learn more about the history and future of the sun, as well as the origin of all life.

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Thayatal hiking paths

The avid hiker will thoroughly enjoy the 179-kilometer-long hiking trail, from the nature park and castles to wild riverbanks. For those who prefer a more leisurely pace, the best option is to choose the second part of the hike from Karlstein or Raabs to Retz.

Musems and workshops

Entdeckt die weltweit größte freigelegte Amethystader und eine der schönsten Sammlungen von seltenen Mineralien und Edelsteinen.

The Amethyst World in Maissau

Discover the world's largest exposed amethyst vein and one of the most beautiful collections of rare minerals and gemstones.

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Mann beim Kunsthandwerk in der Perlmuttdrechslerei Felling im Waldviertel. JUFA Hotels bieten erholsamen Familienurlaub und einen unvergesslichen Winter- und Wanderurlaub.

Mother-of-Pearl Turning Workshop

Austria's only mother-of-pearl manufactory offers insights into a special craftsmanship – and has been doing so for over 100 years.

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Ausstellungsstück im Uhrenmuseum Karlstein an der Thaya in Niederösterreich. JUFA Hotels bietet kinderfreundlichen und erlebnisreichen Urlaub für die ganze Familie.

Clock museum Karlstein

In a living workshop, watches are repaired, and planetariums, table clocks, and wristwatches are handmade.

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