JUFA Hotel


Journey of discovery in Jülich

There’s plenty of action in the diverse region around the JUFA Hotel Jülich***s. Whether skiing or soaking up knowledge in museums, spending an exciting day at the amusement park, or exploring other attractions, families can enjoy fantastic vacation days in Jülich and its surroundings.

Alpenpark Neuss

Germany’s first indoor ski region in Neuss offers snow fun 365 days a year. The 300-metre-long and up to 100-metre-wide powder snow slope guarantees year-round snow fun on one or two boards at -3 degrees. The toboggan runs also take you downhill at breakneck speed.

Ihr seht eine Achterbahnfahrt mit der Black Mamba im Phantasialand in Nordrhein-Westfalen in der Nähe von JUFA Hotels. Der Ort für kinderfreundlichen und erlebnisreichen Urlaub für die ganze Familie.


Phantasialand takes visitors to another world: adrenaline rides on the Chiapas water ride or getting lost in the crazy Hotel Tartüff are just a few highlights.

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Ihr seht einen Tennisschläger mit Tennisball. tennis, sport, schläger, ball

Playing tennis

The Tennis Association Blau-Weiß Jülich boasts a facility located directly on the Rur river. It features a fantastic indoor hall with three tennis courts (carpet surface).

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Ihr seht Kinder im Kletternetz im JUFA Hotel Weiz. Der Ort für kinderfreundlichen und erlebnisreichen Urlaub für die ganze Familie.

Bubenheimer playground

On a play area spanning 3,800 m², there are three indoor play areas designed for different age groups as well as five bowling lanes.

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Jülich Citadel Museum

The well-preserved Jülich fortress complex with citadel and ducal residence castle from the 16th century stretches over 9 hectares. It once served as protection for Napoleon and his troops as well. Exhibitions about Jülich’s past in the castle cellar are captivating.



Ihr seht eine Tafel Schokolade. schokolade, süßes, naschen

Lindt museum

The most exciting chocolate experience in Cologne with tasting and factory sale. Learn all about the production of chocolate in a unique atmosphere.

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Ihr seht Tontöpfe. ton, topf, keramik, töpfern, töpferei

Langerwehe Pottery Museum

Here, the descendants of medieval pottery families have preserved their craft. The active pottery workshop offers clay art and demonstrations on the potter's wheel.

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Ihr seht eine Luftaufnahme vom Brückenkopf-Park Jülich in der Nähe vom JUFA Hotel Jülich***s. Der Ort für erholsamen Familienurlaub und einen unvergesslichen Winter- und Wanderurlaub.

Brückenkopf park

Visit a zoo, a canoe ride or a high ropes course? Then you only need to step outside the hotel door and head to the Brückenkopf-Park.

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